Eat Drink Tea Bioactive Puer Essence

Renowned food connoisseur Chua Lam just underwent a balloon angioplasty procedure late last year, but even with a New Year approaching, he still holds onto his love of unhealthy foods and has no plans to change. In fact, Mr. Chua wouldn’t even entertain the thought of reducing the intake of his favourite fatty foods and joked: “as long as we eat whatever we want, the new year will be a happy one,” staying true to his food-loving nature.

Eat Drink Tea Bioactive Puer Essence

Renowned food connoisseur Chua Lam just underwent a balloon angioplasty procedure late last year, but even with a New Year approaching, he still holds onto his love of unhealthy foods and has no plans to change. In fact, Mr. Chua wouldn’t even entertain the thought of reducing the intake of his favourite fatty foods and joked: “as long as we eat whatever we want, the new year will be a happy one,” staying true to his food-loving nature.

Fashion highlight - 四眼時代

Posted by bloggergeek On 05:42

人氣No.1 Black Square Frames
今個冬季,中性而帶點懷舊的Oji san造型在日本大行其道,而1副黑色四方粗框眼鏡正是打造Oji style必備的小物。除了全黑的款式外,不少設計也在眼鏡柄大玩details和色彩,為傳統的黑框眼鏡加添玩味。
黑×桃紅色膠框眼鏡 $80/g

Marc Jacobs黑色綴銀釘膠框眼鏡 $1,950/b
Yves Saint Laurent黑色啞面綴金色logo膠框眼鏡 $2,120/b
Ray Ban黑色啞面綴銀色logo膠框眼鏡 $860/a
Prada黑色綴七彩花花眼鏡柄膠框眼鏡 $1,890/a
SUPER黑色粗膠框眼鏡 $1,280/e
Tru Trussardi黑色綴銀邊膠框眼鏡 $1,250/f
黑色凹凸紋膠框眼鏡 $80/g
黑色通窿眼鏡柄膠框眼鏡 $80/g
黑色綴螢光圖案膠框眼鏡 $80/g
1月號《ViVi》在多個專題中也推介眼鏡為best buy,名模如藤井Lena和Elli-rose也以多個四眼look示範新裝;而最新1期《Sweet》更以4大頁介紹最新款的膠框眼鏡,並介紹日本和外國愛戴眼鏡的celebrities。

a/ LensCrafters亮視點 中環IFC Mall 1樓1001號鋪 2295 3619b/ Safilo 查詢電話:2879 6009c/ 時代眼鏡 灣仔港灣道23號鷹君中心商場平台1樓101號鋪 28278301d/ 佳運眼鏡 尖沙咀海港城3樓338號鋪 27308963 e/ Ballet www.balletstore-blogspot.comf/ 茂昌眼鏡 銅鑼灣怡和街9-15號5號鋪 2576 2669g/ 發寶膠 銅鑼灣銀座商場8號鋪 2573 9368h/ SLY 銅鑼灣時代廣場503號鋪 2506 1172

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