Eat Drink Tea Bioactive Puer Essence

Renowned food connoisseur Chua Lam just underwent a balloon angioplasty procedure late last year, but even with a New Year approaching, he still holds onto his love of unhealthy foods and has no plans to change. In fact, Mr. Chua wouldn’t even entertain the thought of reducing the intake of his favourite fatty foods and joked: “as long as we eat whatever we want, the new year will be a happy one,” staying true to his food-loving nature.

Eat Drink Tea Bioactive Puer Essence

Renowned food connoisseur Chua Lam just underwent a balloon angioplasty procedure late last year, but even with a New Year approaching, he still holds onto his love of unhealthy foods and has no plans to change. In fact, Mr. Chua wouldn’t even entertain the thought of reducing the intake of his favourite fatty foods and joked: “as long as we eat whatever we want, the new year will be a happy one,” staying true to his food-loving nature.

意大利頂級時裝展覽公司Pitti Immagine首個亞洲新聞發佈會於香港隆重舉行。Pitti Immagine首席執行官 Mr. Napoleone 現身香港,為即將到來的六月意大利時裝展強力造勢。美國潮牌Band of OutsidersRodarte也將於意大利亮相Pitti Uomo男裝展及Pitti W女裝預告系列時裝展,爲2012年春夏系列掀開華麗的序幕。香港是Pitti Immagine在亞洲一系列宣傳活動的第一站,Pitti Immagine希望藉此瞄準亞洲市場,從而進一步促進意大利時裝與中國內地、香港市場的聯繫,奠定意大利時裝在時尚潮流界的領先地位。

Pitti Immagine斥資150萬歐元,於今年6月重磅推出電子化網絡展覽平。在今年6月展覽期間,e-Pitti.com會即時整理超過1,600個時尚品牌的資料、75,000張照片及2,000段短片,通過網上平讓世界各地的買手和時尚愛好者盡情領略超過10,000款男女時裝以及兒童服飾的時尚魅力。Pitti Immagine的首席執行官 Mr. Napoleone 表示,期望能通過展覽會及網上平這雙重管道帶領意大利時裝進一步邁向國際舞的焦點,增強“意大利製造”在世界時尚體系中的號召力。

Pitti Immagine亮點搶先看

Pitti Uomo男裝展上,除了Band of OutsidersLubiamPringle of Scotland, DAKS, Carhartt, Alberto Guardiani等頂尖品牌的精彩演繹之外,第三屆選秀比賽“Who is on next? Pitti Uomo”亦將閃亮開Show全面搜索極有潛力的意大利新銳男裝設計師及品牌。巴西作爲第一個特邀國家,其本土設計師品牌Gilda Midani, Louloux, Muggia, New Order, Oestudio以及 Vanessa Montoro將會在Pitti W的特設區域內展出。同樣令人期待的是,Francesca Versace特別挑選Pitti W展示極富創意的包及配飾新品系列。Pitti Bimbo童裝展以Magical Pitti TourPitti夢幻旅程)爲主題,將展出Missoni, Stella McCartney, Lacoste, Stuart Weitzman, Cacharel, Paul FrankPhilipp PleinMiss BlumarineWoolrichCalvin Klein等大牌的童裝新品系列。Fendi 2012年春夏童裝系列將於623日上演,展現兒童的純真氣息。

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